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Beirut Blast: Stand with UNHCR, Lebandon and the People of Beirut


This deadly and destructive explosion which rocked Beirut on 4 August continues to affect everyone, regardless of nationality or status. The immediate humanitarian response of UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, to the tragic blast covers the entire community – including Lebanese, refugees and migrant workers. It focuses on the most vulnerable in the community and on two major areas – shelter and protection.

Together with other humanitarian partners, UNHCR are working closely with the people of Beirut and the relevant departments to assess the damages and identify the best and most meaningful ways to help. UNHCR’s aid stockpile in the country has not been affected and it includes shelter kits, blankets, plastic sheeting, mattresses, rub halls and several other critical items that have been made available to the Lebanese Red Cross and other partners on the ground.

As part of the inter-agency humanitarian appeal, UNHCR is mobilizing US$12 million for its emergency response to the hardest-hit and most vulnerable households in Beirut. This package includes US$9.6 million for shelter interventions and US$2.44 million for protection activities for the next three months.

UNHCR stresses the need for steadfast and timely international support for people of Beirut and Lebanon who have been generous hosts to refugees for years, through the challenging times of economic hardship and COVID-19 pandemic.

All of us at Affluent Society stand with UNHCR, Lebanon and the people of Beirut.

Stand together with us. Raise awareness, support and donations by sharing this post and video around.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is a United Nations agency with the mandate to protect refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people, and assist in their voluntary repatriation, local integration or resettlement to a third country

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