Felicia Megan Gordon lives a double-life as part creative, part attorney in Harlem, New York. She began her training as a visual artist and writer at The Brearley School in New York City, and continued to study the arts at Harvard University, the International Center of Photography and the New York Studio School. She started her career in publishing at Conde Nast and went on to produce film, provide artistic direction for musicians and design clothing. Gordon has appeared in ELLE, Allure, and The New York Times. Her work has been exhibited by No Longer Empty and the New York Design Center, and as part of the Uptown Triennial, an initiative of Columbia’s Wallach Art Gallery and more recent in the Black Expression, Rebellion, and Joy Through Fashion Exhibition. Her first book of photography, “Where’s Wendell?” will be reprinted for sale next year.
This is Felicia Megan Gordon's happy story as shared with Affluent Society from USA:
My happiest moments these days come when it’s all quiet and I’m alone. I keep realizing that I’m stronger than I was maybe the day, week, month or year before. I’ve never thought of myself as a weak person and I sort of resent the idea that Black women are supposed to be “strong”. However, 2020 has showed me once and for all that I can do more than I ever imagined to grow emotionally and career-wise in spite of unimaginable obstacles. And I can do it completely independent of anyone’s approval or affirmation. I think that’s the most important part. I’m no longer waiting for anyone’s applause. That freedom makes me happy.
Follow her and her works at http://www.feliciamgordon.com/
About Human Stories:
All of us have a story to share. Some are joyful. Some are teary. Some provide perspectives. Several are downright heartbreaking. Others are simply inspiring.
I've been receiving and exchanging stories of COVID-19 lockdowns with business and government leaders from around the world since June. As the third wave of the pandemic handcuffs some nations and borders, I turn my attention to you - readers and followers of Affluent Society - and your emails and feedback to me these past months. While I continue serving my sentence in Melbourne, I will try my best to tell your story.
This Human Stories Series is a cumulation of stories shared with Affluent Society by its readers and followers from around the world.
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