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Human Stories: Kooba Isaac, Kampala, Uganda


Kooba Isaac is a young adult living in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. He grew up in a family who survived on day-to-day jobs. His father disappeared during his primary school years and his mother struggled alone to put him through high school. He is looking forward to further education as a means of obtaining a higher paying job. Then Covid-19 happened and the lack of work income has placed his studies on hold.

This is Kooba Isaac's story as shared with Affluent Society from Uganda:

Just tying to survive

I was looking forward to doing my A' levels because I want to be successful in life like others who are educated. Now the reality for me and many others is having enough to eat and a roof above our heads. Many jobs have disappeared. People are earning nothing. They are homeless because they can't pay rent. Others have died from starvation. I am very concerned for my family and the young generation. We are likely to continue suffering from the lack of food unless we change our focus from consumption to the production of food.

During this pandemic I came up with an idea to start an agriculture project that would increase food supply for home consumption with provide a source of extra income through the sale of extras. I acquired this knowledge from high school and believe this can solve the hunger problem for my family as well as other members of my community. My friend also connected me to a small business called Cinico Paint, where I learnt painting and creating different designs. My painting job keeps me going even though I earn very little.

Finding happiness

Anyone can love you when the sun is shining. Its during the storms where you learn who truly cares for you. This is where my family comes in. We joke and eat together. Another thing that makes me happy is my agriculture project and painting. I have never traveled before in my life and would love for the chance to travel out of Uganda. One of my dreams is to travel to Europe, USA and Asia.

All of us can make a better world

Despite my limited means, I want to save people from poverty and hunger. I want to help orphans and street children live a happier life. Therefore I would like to encourage readers to believe that they too can change the world for the better. A place to start is with the young people in your community. Every child you help will grow up carrying the positive seeds you plant in their minds. These motivated youths will change the world.

About Human Stories:

All of us have a story to share. Some are joyful. Some are teary. Some provide perspectives. Several are downright heartbreaking. Others are simply inspiring.

I've been receiving and exchanging stories of COVID-19 lockdowns with business and government leaders from around the world since June. As the third wave of the pandemic handcuffs some nations and borders, I turn my attention to you - readers and followers of Affluent Society - and your emails and feedback to me these past months. While I continue serving my sentence in Melbourne, I will try my best to tell your story.

This Human Stories Series is a cumulation of stories shared with Affluent Society by its readers and followers from around the world.

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