Susanna Bevilacqua is the founder and director of Moral Fairground, which aims to build awareness and educate about ethically, socially responsible and environmentally aware businesses through a series of events. She established this social enterprise after visiting some of the poorest countries and communities in South East Asia and witnessing first hand the working conditions and environmental impact of mass consumerism in 2009. Based in Melbourne, Australia, Susanna is a passionate volunteer and was one of the Founding Members of the Moreland Early Year Management and other national community projects. She connects individuals, communities and businesses, and encourages engagement and actions that create positive impact. She wants the message of care and responsibility for people and planet to reach more people in Australia and abroad.
This is Susanna's ethical story as shared with Affluent Society from Australia:
Are we doing enough?
The poverty rate is increasing. Pandemics are rampant. The world is being depleted of its resources. Our environment is being destroyed at an unprecedented rate and instead of addressing the issues, our global economies are more focused on investing in warfare. We continue to be reactive instead of proactive. Global leaders continue to focus on the short term. People are more interconnected than ever, but also feel more isolated than ever as our sense of belonging and purpose is getting lost. What keeps me up at night is the thought of not doing enough to protect our planet for our younger generation. I have a young 13 years old boy and I worry about his future in this world.

Disparity is vey real
When I was travelling in South East Asia, I met many young people who were dreaming of a good future for themselves and their families, but I knew that based on their circumstances that might never be possible. I met a young aspiring doctor who could not attend school because he had to work in a garment factory 16 hours a day just to earn enough money to provide for his mum and 4 brothers after his father passed away. I met small children in orphanages that were there not because the parents had died but because the parents had not way of supporting them. Why do we still have child labour and farmers who are underpaid?
It makes me sad to know that in our society such disparity exists and that unconsciously I might be part of that problem. How did we come to this point? Is there a better way, a better system? That is why over the last 11 years, I have gone out of my way to provide opportunities for people to learn about conscious consumerism and how we can do better.

...the world needs people like you. Change only happens, when we dare to push through and when we dare to dream that it is possible.
Happiness is a journey
I am a very optimistic person and it does not take much to make me happy - being with nature, spending time with my family in the great outdoors and connecting with friends. Apart from when my son was born which was by far the most incredible moment of my life as I was in awe of life, I find happiness in many things. I don't think happiness is one moment in life but it is the journey. The connections we make, the time we spend with others, the laughter, a lazy day at the beach, feeling the sun on my face.
We make the world better
I know that sometimes people that have a desire to do good, feel like they are always paddling uphill, It is actually much harder living a life where you spare no concern for others or the impact that you have. I am a very small fish in the big pond and my vision is to make a difference. There are many small fishes like me with amazing intentions - social entrepreneurs, environmentalists, people working on good causes, and people that work very hard to be that change for the better. We need the small fishes to create many small ripples that have the potential to change the course of how things are.
My advise to fellow readers is that it is OK to be driven by passion to strive for a better world. Not everyone will understand your journey. Not everyone will approve of your endeavours. But the world needs people like you. Change only happens, when we dare to push through and when we dare to dream that it is possible. My dream is to do my part in making this world a better place for future generations. My favourite song is “Imagine” by John Lennon, because he dared to imagine what it would be like to have a better world. My dream is for each and everyone of you to know, that together, we can make a difference.

About Human Stories:
All of us have a story to share. Some are joyful. Some are teary. Some provide perspectives. Several are downright heartbreaking. Others are simply inspiring.
I've been receiving and exchanging stories of COVID-19 lockdowns with business and government leaders from around the world since June. As the third wave of the pandemic handcuffs some nations and borders, I turn my attention to you - readers and followers of Affluent Society - and your emails and feedback to me these past months. While I continue serving my sentence in Melbourne, I will try my best to tell your story.
This Human Stories Series is a cumulation of stories shared with Affluent Society by its readers and followers from around the world.
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